Utopian school system

Utopian Education System

In our utopian society education is greatly valued as a way into the increasing world and a way into the living with full self actualization and satisfaction of what one has accomplished in life.

After a new citizen of the nation is born, he or she will be put in a program called Basic Learning at the age of four. With this Basic Learning Program, a child will learn the suitable basic skills for human survival. The child will also learn about basic math and science operations as well as colors and shapes. This program last for two years. At the age of six, a child will be tested on the abilities that he or she has acquired. This test of performance will serve as an aptitude for the childs future placement on the education scale. A child, in accordance to their scoring marks, will be place in either a beginners, advanced, or superior course. In the beginners course, a child will be placed in basic classes throughout their educational learning period in which they will learn the necessary skills for basic human life. In an advanced placement course, as child will be subjected to take challenging classes in which they will learn higher level material. The skills gained from this learning course will allow children to grow up to become successful in any career of their choice later on in the future. For the highest ranking scores among students, they will be placed in the superior course level. Skills acquired in this level include, genius based mathematical and scientifically challenging operations which include theoretical analysis of the problems our nation faces today. These real world situations will train these young children to excel to the next level in the real world theoretical advanced topics, making their futures open to an array of endless possibilities. Once a child is accepted into a course level, they may not be able to drop out of the course or move up to a higher level. Instead, every year placement exams will be held in place in which students will be able to advance to a higher level or downgrade to a less rigid course. All students must attend the central school at the Capital. No other form of education is accepted. No student may be able to drop out of the education program until the age of 18, the year before graduation. There are 14 years of education that are required before the year of graduation at age 18. Dropouts must pay a total fee of all the money the have spent throughout their education period, since all materials are free for students. Students after the education period will be able to enroll in courses of their choice suited for their profession at the Royal University of Westbrook in the Capital. All education is free including the education at RUWC, unless a student is unable to complete their mandatory education period. If the mandatory education period is not met, citizens may not be able to go back for an education if they chose to do so.

Utopian school system
Utopian school system

Utopian school system
Utopian school system