Valueerror attempted relative import beyond top-level package python năm 2024

In running a program, encountering errors is a common issue. One of the errors that developers often come across is the ValueError: Attempted Relative Import Beyond Top-Level Package.

This error occurs when a Python script attempts to perform a relative import that goes beyond the top-level package.

In this article, we will discuss in detail this error, how it occurs, provide solutions to resolve it, and offer additional insights to help you better understand and resolve this issue.

Why Does the Error Attempted Relative Import Beyond Top-Level Package Occur?

The attempted relative import beyond top-level package error usually occurs because we try to import a module or package from a location that is not directly within the scope of the current package or module.

Common Causes of the Error

Here are the common causes of the error:

1. Incorrect Package Structure

For example:


In, we attempt to perform a relative import to import located in the sub_package directory.

However, if we improperly use an incorrect relative import statement like:

from ..sub_package.module import some_function

The “ValueError: Attempted Relative Import Beyond Top-Level Package” will be raised. This occurs because the relative import tries to go beyond the top-level package (project) boundary.

2. Incorrect usage in scripts

We assume that we have a script named located in the main_package directory. If the script consists of the following:

from .module1 import some_function

The “valueerror attempted relative import beyond top-level package” will be raised because the relative import tries to reference a module outside the top-level package.

These examples explain a common scenarios where the ValueError occurs due to incorrect relative imports.

Solution 1: Adjusting the import statement

To resolve the ValueError, we can adjust the import statement to use an absolute import instead of a relative import.

Replace the relative import with an absolute import that specifies the full package path:

from main_package.module1 import some_function

By using an absolute import, we can ensure that the import statement references the correct module within the top-level package, to eliminate the ValueError.

Solution 2: Modifying the package structure

If the package structure is incorrect or incompatible, you need to change it to resolve the ValueError. Make sure that the relative import statements that comply with the proper project structure.

In the earlier example, you could change the package structure as follows:


By aligning the package structure correctly, the relative import in will no longer result in the ValueError.

Solution 3: Using absolute imports

As a best practice, we can use absolute imports whenever possible, especially in complex projects. Absolute imports provide simplicity and avoid confusion regarding the package structure.

To use absolute imports, we can define the full package path in the import statement:

from main_package.module1 import some_function

By using absolute imports consistently, we can prevent the “Attempted Relative Import Beyond Top-Level Package” from occurring.

Solution 4: Adjusting the PYTHONPATH

Another solution to solve the error is by adjusting the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

The PYTHONPATH variable allows you to define additional directories to be searched when importing modules.

By adding the path to the top-level package directory to your PYTHONPATH, it will enable Python to locate the modules correctly.

To adjust the PYTHONPATH temporarily, you can use the following command in your terminal before executing your script:

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/top_level_package:$PYTHONPATH

You can Replace /path/to/top_level_package with the actual path to your top-level package directory.

Best Practices to Avoid ValueError in Relative Imports

To avoid encountering the ValueError related to relative imports, follow these best practices:

  • Properly structuring your packages
  • Using absolute imports in specific cases
  • Using relative imports cautiously

Additional Resources

  • Valueerror: cannot merge a series without a name
  • How to Solve the Python ValueError
  • Valueerror too many values to unpack expected 3


In conclusion, the “ValueError: Attempted Relative Import Beyond Top-Level Package” can be encountered when working with relative imports in Python.

This error occurs when an import statement attempt to reference a module or package outside the top-level package boundary.

By adjusting import statements, modifying package structures, and using absolute imports, we can resolve the ValueError and ensure correct module referencing.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why am I getting the “ValueError: Attempted Relative Import Beyond Top-Level Package” error?

The error occurs when a Python script attempts to perform a relative import that goes beyond the top-level package.

This can happen due to incorrect package structures, executing scripts outside the package scope, or using invalid import statements.

Can I use relative imports within the same package?

Yes, relative imports can be used within the same package. They are intended for importing modules or sub-packages within the current package scope.

How do I fix relative import error in Python?

The "Attempted relative import in non-package" error occurs when attempting to use a relative import within a script that is not part of a package. To fix this, you should make sure that the script is part of a package by creating an file in the directory containing the script.

What is top level package in Python?

“Top-level code” is the first user-specified Python module that starts running. It's “top-level” because it imports all other modules that the program needs. Sometimes “top-level code” is called an entry point to the application.

How do I resolve import error in Python?

To fix this error, we need to ensure that the package is in the correct location and that the path to the package is included in the Python module search path. Example 3: Missing Dependency An ImportError can also occur if a required dependency is missing.

What are the 3 types of import statements in Python?

Styling of import statements.

Standard library imports (Python's built-in modules).

Related third party imports..

Local application/library-specific imports..