What are the 3 levels of biology involved in aggression?

The biological approach to explaining aggression has three core areas: the neural explanation, the hormonal explanation and the genetic explanation. The main neural explanation is the Papez-Maclean limbic theory involving structures such as the amygdala, hypothalamus, and hippocampus which are implicated in reactive aggression. Reactive aggression is a response to a perceived threat, rather than proactive aggression which is a response in anticipation of a reward. The limbic system also connects to the cingulate gyrus which is responsible for focusing attention on emotionally significant events. Also, the limbic system has connections to the prefrontal cortex which is involved in forward planning and anticipation of reward. The limbic system plays a key role in how an organism responds to environmental threats and challenges and thus is believed to be the key factor in whether we respond aggressively or not to an external stimulus.

The hypothalamus is responsible for the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, which in turn regulates responses to emotional circumstances. Therefore, damage to this area can result in an inappropriate aggressive response to a perceived threat. The amygdala is responsible for attaching emotional significance to sensory information. The limbic system is believed to be hierarchical with signals being passed from the lower systems to the higher systems in the prefrontal cortex where feelings are monitored and interpreted, which then triggers a physical response. The prefrontal cortex is crucial for regulating social behaviour and aggressive responses. Damage to the prefrontal cortex would reduce the inhibition of the amygdala resulting in higher levels of aggression.

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What is the biology of aggression?

Aggressive behavior is an innate, highly conserved behavior that is key for survival and is believed to have evolved in a context of competition over scarce or valuable resources. In many species, losing fights results in a change in social status that can have lasting consequences, and animals that have lost ...

What parts of the brain are involved in human aggression?

Brain regions that influence aggression include the amygdala (area 1) and the prefrontal cortex (area 2). Individual differences in one or more of these regions or in the interconnections among them can increase the propensity for impulsive aggression.

Is aggression a part of human biology?

Aggression is an important part of being human, an aspect of our complicated and diverse selves.

What are the three aspects of the definition of aggression?

The three elements of aggression: Human survival potential, norms, and provocation.