What is a collection of related data the electronic equivalent of a file cabinet?

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  • Course Title AA 1
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CHAPTER 31.This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware tohandle the majority of technical detailsSYSTEM2.A rectangular area that can contain a document, program or messageWINDOW3.Programs that create text-based documentsWORD PROCESSORS4.Programs that organize, analyze, and graph numerical data such as budgets and financial reportsSPREADSHEETS5.Program that allows you to mix text and graphics to create publications of professional qualityDESKTOP PUBLISHING6.The type of image that consists of geometric shapesVECTOR7.An online diary or commentaryBLOG8.Programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interestingpresentationsPRESENTATION GRAPHICS9.Programs typically used to create sophisticated commercial websitesWEB AUTHORING PROGRAMS10.Also known as an online suiteCLOUD1.Toolbars typically appear below the menu bar and include small graphic elements called A.BUTTONS2.Simplifies the process of making a selection from a list of alternatives by graphically displayingthe effect of alternatives before being selectedD. GALLERIES3.A general-purpose program that creates text-based documents J. WORD PROCESSOR4.Program that organizes, analyzes, and graphs numerical dataG. SPREADSHEET

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Word processor, Office suite

Database What type of software is designed to act as an electronic filing cabinet organizing collections of data?
Field If you created a database of your friends' addresses that could be sorted by their last names, what would "Last Name" be called?
Fields If you had a database of names and phone numbers, what would LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, and PHONE NUMBER be examples of?
Database What type of software would a company use to keep records of customers and employees?
A to Z order What does ascending order mean?
Database What is a collection of related information known as?
Record What is all the information about one subject in an electronic database called?
Entry What is a piece or item of information in a database known as?
File What term applies to a collection of related records in a database?
Sort To put data in a particular order, what operation should you perform?
< How do you write the mathematical operator "less than"?
>= How do you write the mathematical operator "equal to or greater than"?
Automated Card Catalog What is an example of a computerized database program that could be found in a school?
Filing Cabinet What item could an electronic database be compared to?
File What is a set of related records in a database known as?
Ascending If students are lined up from the youngest to the oldest, what is the sort order?
Descending If books are organized from the most expensive to the cheapest, what is the sort order?
Searching To find a specific entry in a record, what method would you use?
Entry, field, file, record What are the four parts of a database listed in ascending order?
Database What software is used to organize large amounts of data?
Entry What is an item of information in a database known as?
Records What is a group of related fields KNOWN AS?

What is the electronic equivalent of a file cabinet?

An electronic file cabinet can be either a metaphorical reference to a system of storing documents and other information on an electronic medium such as a computer hard drive, or it can refer to an actual piece of software that assists in creating and maintaining electronic records.
Answer: Database is a collection of related files.

How is a database like a file cabinet?

A database is a collection of data stored in some organized fashion. The simplest way to think of it is to imagine a database as a filing cabinet. The filing cabinet is simply a physical location to store data, regardless of what that data is or how it is organized.
Database - is an integrated collection of logically related records or files. A database consolidates records previously stored in separate files into a common pool of data records that provides data for many applications. The data is managed by systems software called database management systems (DBMS).