ceremonially là gì - Nghĩa của từ ceremonially

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Barriage Ceremony is the ceremony conducted to unite a Bondage Partnership by with at least 2 individuals (referred to as Bubby & Bifey - Please see Bifey & Bubby definitions by Bifey’s Voice) through a Barriage Ceremony or also known as a Bondage Matrimony. This Barriage unification process can never be ended with a divorce and this partnership is for a lifetime or multiple lifetimes (Please see: Soulmates) in forever lasting love. (Please see: Barriage). If you feel that: Marriage = Divorce In a Barriage or Bondage Partnership... Well there is NO Divorce after a Bondage Matrimony (Also known as: Barriage Ceremony) has been completed. Barriage is important process to conduct if you have been divorced at least once and you feel that marriage = divorce. So an alternative to a Marriage is a Barriage, if you & your partner (Bubby &/or Bifey) chooses to have a “Barriage Ceremony” then there is NO Divorce options available (Also Known as: Bondage Matrimony). The “Equation” of Barriage is the following: (Bondage - ondage = B) + (Marriage - M = arriage) = Barriage. Bubby is short for Bondage Hubby & a Bifey which is short for Bondage Wifey. The “Equation” of Bubby & Bifey is the following: Bubby : (Bondage-ondage=B)+(Hubby-H =ubby)=Bubby & Bifey : (Bondage-ondage=B)+(Wifey-W=ifey)= Bifey (Please see definitions posted by Bifey’s Voice for the following term & definitions for: Barriage, Bubby and Bifey.)


Bill & Amanda had their Barriage Ceremony on November 28th 2015. Their Barriage Ceremony was absolutely beautiful and we had a ton of attending the ceremony!

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Bondage Ceremony is the Matrimony conducted to unite a Bondage Partnership (a.k.a. Barriage) with at least 2 individuals (Also known as: Bubby & Bifey - Please see definitions by Bifey’s Voice) through a Bondage Ceremony or a Barriage Ceremony. This Bondage Partnership unification process can never be ended with a divorce and this Barriage is for a LIFETIME or MULTIPLE LIFETIMES (Please see: Soulmates) in FOREVER lasting love. In a Barriage or Bondage Partnership: A Bondage Ceremony is an important vow to conduct If you & your partner feel that: Marriage = Divorce. So an alternative to a Marriage is a Barriage, if you & your partner (Bubby &/or Bifey) chooses to have a “Bondage Ceremony” then there is NO Divorce options available. There is NO Divorce after a Bondage Ceremony has been completed. The “Equation” of Barriage is the following: (Bondage - ondage = B) + (Marriage - M = arriage) = Barriage. The “Equation” of Bubby & Bifey is the following: Bubby : (Bondage-ondage=B)+(Hubby-H =ubby)=Bubby & Bifey : (Bondage-ondage=B)+(Wifey-W=ifey)= Bifey (Please see definitions posted by Bifey’s Voice for the following term & definitions for: Barriage, Bubby and Bifey.)


William & Amanda had their Bondage Ceremony on November 28th 2015. Their Bondage Ceremony was absolutely beautiful and they had so many guests attending the ceremony!

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Virgin conversion


I partook in a deflowering ceremony with one of my sisters mates after she got pissed at her school social.

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A Yassification Ceremony is a common ritual amongst the younger generations of this century. Participants choose one lucky person to partake in the ceremony, and together, they complete the steps to properly Yassify the participant. Step 1: the group must gather in a circle around the chosen one. They all strip the participant of their clothing, and douse them in a flammable oil. Step 2: a candy cane is handed to the participant who is now naked and covered in oil, and the participant must whittle it down to a sharp point using their mouth. Step 3: the candy cane will then be used to carve an X into the participants torso; starting from the rib cage down to the hip bones. (If the candy cane breaks during this process, another may be supplied, but step 2 must be repeated. If the second one breaks, the ceremony will cease, and the chosen one will be cast out, never to achieve Yassification.) Step 4: Using the blood from the X carved into their stomach, the participant will rise, and drip the blood oil mixture into a fire pit. Step 5: the fire will be lit, and all will rejoice. After the ceremony is over, participants usually celebrate by dancing around the fire, and eating lots of candy canes. The successful participant in the ceremony is blessed with the gift of Yass, and is guaranteed to become Yassified in the following years.


“Do you think we should have a Yassification Ceremony tonight?” “I cannot believe Racheal failed her Yassification Ceremony. What dumb bitch can’t suck a candy cane without breaking it??

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In the hip hop world the most confused word would be MC the word is obvious to be Master of Ceremonies,but what does it mean. In order for music in general to put your mind at ease in a state of relaxation, it needs to trigger your left and right lobes in the brain, they have to be in ceremony there for the people that are emcing have to put you in harmony.


When a tribe called quest says that the term mc means master of ceremonies and that most mc dont know what that term means.

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a late 90s shoegazing/postpunk band out of Philadelphia


Have you heard of Ceremony?

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Computer programming code (typically APIs in a framework) where the use requires many specific things to be done before and/or after it in order for it to function but had it been in a more elegant way, could have been eliminated entirely. Many times the designers of these frameworks feel that what they're doing is so big, complex and important that requiring the consumers to perform the ceremony is completely justifiable. If they make it easy for you, they don't think you'll appreciate their genius. It can many times be assumed that the author would add that you kneel before him/her before you get the privilege of using their API if that were practice didn't completely expose their douchbaggery. They tend to get off on their (over-engineered) "cleverness" (codesturbation) and want others to regard them as code masters as well.


Microsoft's .NET framework requires a lot of ceremonial code to accomplish some truly mundane tasks... whereas Ruby On Rails thinks all that ceremony is simply a waste of developer time.

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55 minutes and 58 seconds of perfection in the form of Florence + The Machine's sophomore album.


My absolute favorite album of all time ever is Ceremonials.

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When a man puts semen on his thumb and then smears it across his partners forehead while saying: SIMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


After having missionary intercourse with my significant other, I performed The Ceremony on her.

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When you create something or take part in an activity with intention and presence. First heard in reference to cacao ceremonies.


Friend 1: Please come to my cacao ceremony next weekend.
Friend 2: That sounds fun. I've never been. Where do you get your cacao? Is it just Hershey's chocolate?
Friend 1: No, it's ceremonial grade cacao sourced from Peru with intention from the farmers and it's fair trade.
Friend 2: Sounds like an even higher grade and more pure than pharmaceutical grade anything...
Friend 1: Exactly. I can't wait to hear your intention at the ceremony. And next up, we'll have a cannabis ceremony with ceremonial grade cannabis.