Chrome Remote Desktop spying

Best 5 apps to spy on remote PC for Android life, we might face some situations that require having a computer or access to your computer, and youre out of the house the person needs to technical help or solve the problem, the optimal solution for such situations is to use programs and apps enables you to control computers different remotely using your smart phone Android or iPhone .

Through this app you can fully control on your PC where you can open the files and copy the folders and paste them and run programs all this and more without having to face you in front of the computer, where applications talk about some of each other very quickly, and remember, 2010 was a remote communications between two or more computers only but now, you can easily reach to the screen of the computer and install the software through your smart phone and offer you down the best 5 apps to spy on remote PC .

Best 5 apps to spy on remote PC for Android life


Chrome Remote Desktop spying

The application TeamViewer is one of the most popular applications share your desktop and control it remotely, and supports various operating systems and application safe and easy to the app lets you also transfer files from PC to phone and vice versa, where the algorithm uses strong encryption to secure the connection between your device and computer to control it, and contains the application on the four variables of the following that will help you while using the application :

  • Host, QuickSupport .
  • Pilot, Teamviewer for remote control .

Designed and programmed all the tool to perform a specific purpose, for example, is a tool QuickSupport great to fix technical problems and troubleshooting on PC for some .

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Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop spying

Google CRD is one of the best remote control applications multi-core systems can be app smart phone users access to the computer after, used the app you should install the add on Google Chrome Desktop browser Google Chrome, install the program Remote Desktop On your computer and finally install the app on your smart phone once you run the desktop software you must set up your account by clicking on add in the Google Chrome browser and enter the user name Code 6-digit and then you can control your PC easily and remotely .

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Microsoft Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop spying

Although there are many of control applications, remote computers, except that no one knows the operating system Windows 10 unless Microsoft itself, where there is nothing that can overcome the application Microsoft Remote Desktop for Android life, the application supports many features such as multi-touch and many of the tools that we have mentioned .

The Windows operating system has a tool RDP built in. You just have to install the Microsoft application RD on your Android phone or IOS device and set it up for in the operating system Windows using your phone.

VNC Viewer

Chrome Remote Desktop spying

The VNC Viewer is one of the oldest programs to talk about some where it was launched within the year 1999, with the passage of time has added many new features and the app is extremely safe and easy to use and contains many tools that will help you to direct your business without being in front of the computer, use the application VNCV you must be logged in using your email address and password .

Can VNCV to establish a connection through a proxy. Allows you to use the autocorrect feature for the phone keys when you edit a document on the remote PC and hide the desktop previews are annoying .

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Chrome Remote Desktop spying

Application, AnyDesk is one of the most popular applications at the present time where you can remote in your computer and the app is lightweight and ensures a frame rate of 60 frames in a second during the control of the devices remotely and ensures you dont encounter lag in the video when youre working on something that requires so much attention or in the case of watching a movie or video .

In addition to a higher FPS, uses AnyDesk codec especially designed for time response least, the app also supports the possibility to control the device remotely by more than one user, so users can work on one project at one time .

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Note: because remote control applications for desktop and mobile save files over an internet connection, make sure the two devices are connected to a WiFi network or mobile data connection speed upload / download is good. If you do not, you will not be meeting desktop sharing / screen remote a great experience for you .