Desktop Window Manager high GPU 2021

How to fix Desktop Window Manager high memory usage in Windows 10

Fatima Wahab
2 months ago

Windows runs a number of different processes and services in the background. Theyre all set to run automatically and without them, Windows 10 cannot function. These processes have to run all the time so theyre designed to be efficient and not hog a systems resources.

Desktop Window Manager high GPU 2021

Fix Desktop Window Manager high memory usage

Desktop Window Manager or DWM,exe as it appears in Task Manager is a critical system process that manages visual effects (animations, transitions, wallpaper) on your system. It will run all the time and should consume very little memory.

If the Desktop Window Manager process is consuming a lot of memory, try the fixes below.

1. Restart Explorer.exe

Problems with the dwm.exe process can be fixed by restarting Explorer.exe.

  1. Open Task Manager.
  2. Go to the Processes tab.
  3. Look for Windows Explorer and select it.
  4. Click the Restart button at the bottom right.

Desktop Window Manager high GPU 2021

2. Check graphics driver

An outdate graphics driver can cause problems with the dwm.exe process. Likewise, if youve upgraded the graphics driver but there is a problem with it, it may also cause dwm.exe to use a lot of memory.

  1. Open Device Manager.
  2. Expand Display adapters.
  3. Right-click the on-board graphics card and select Update driver.
  4. Search online for driver updates and install the ones that are available.

Desktop Window Manager high GPU 2021

If youve recently updated the graphics driver, try rolling it back.

  1. Open Device Manager.
  2. Expand Display adapters.
  3. Double-click the on-board graphics card.
  4. Go to the Driver tab.
  5. Click Roll back driver.
  6. Repeat for the GPU if you have one.

Desktop Window Manager high GPU 2021

3. Scan the system with Windows Defender

A malicious app or file may be responsible for dwm.exes high memory usage. Its a good idea to scan your system for infections.

  1. Open Windows Defender.
  2. Go to Virus & threat protection.
  3. Click Scan Options.
  4. Select Full Scan.
  5. Click Scan Now.
  6. Remove any infections that are found.

Desktop Window Manager high GPU 2021

4. Disable third-party apps

There are lots of third-party apps that can be installed on Windows 10 to modify how it looks. Rainmeter is one popular example of such an app. If youve installed an app that heavily modifies the Windows 10 UI, disable it and check if the dwm.exe process memory usage returns to normal. If it does, the app youre using to modify the system isnt optimized and shouldnt be used.


Animations, wallpaper, transition effects are all common OS functions. You cannot disable the dwm.exe process because without it, Windows 10 wont look like Windows 10 anymore. You can disable animations if you want and that will reduce the memory usage but the above fixes should still be used to bring the process base memory usage to normal.

Categories: Windows
Tags: Memory Usage, tutorial
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