If it is important to you quote là gì năm 2024

Documentaries (though they often include photos or video portions that can be considered primary sources).

When is a Primary Source a Secondary Source?

Whether something is a primary or secondary source often depends upon the topic and its use.

A biology textbook would be considered a secondary source if in the field of biology, since it describes and interprets the science but makes no original contribution to it.

On the other hand, if the topic is science education and the history of textbooks, textbooks could be used a primary sources to look at how they have changed over time.

I'm an entrepreneur whose passion is to help others achieve success online. I believe that life is a never-ending journey of learning and growth. I enjoy taking challenges on weekdays and watching web series on weekends.

With regards from here to every end of the steem blockchain, I humbly wish everyone a blessed new week. Yet Again here to inspire you and leave you with a word of wisdom in a food for thought to keep you positively geared up through out the week ahead and for the entire year in essence.

The quote for the week is "if it is important to you, you'll find a way but if not, you'll find an excuse"

100% true, let's be sincere to ourselves. we all humans have personal wants, needs, dreams, things we want to see happen in our lives. Things of which we are ready to make sacrifices and give in some other things to make sure they come out actualized.

It is also true that these things are actually or can actually be grouped into classes of their importance. I.e when we try to understand that us humans have priorities and they are being grouped in various forms of importance, something the economists will refer to as "scale of preference " meaning a list of items you need, listed in the form of the ones you will prefer to have before the others, respectively. So much more clear now, putting this instance into the real world * I'll go on to ask, what's that need or perhaps want, how important is it to you?

Is it a material need, want? Or perhaps is it a dream? A legacy on your side you want to see happen? How important is to you? Is it really important? Or maybe your just having illusions in your mind?

The very answer lies within you, what you want to see happen, it's not about what you want people to see happen to you or for you, it's something you want for yourself and you really want to see it happen to you. The extent of importance to you is how we can really know the status quo of probability of that dream or wish being actualized.

So first and foremost, answer the question and answer it to yourself. Just for an instance, a fellow who is being hit with malaria will only be in the right shoes to understand the value of mosquito nets and insecticides, however its still up to him to tackle the ailment by getting a medication for malaria. But then, this only depends on if he wants to get well, meaning that getting a medication will somehow also depend on how important it is for him to get well.

But remember, somehow sometime earlier this same fellow was very okay, healthily strong far from the malaria fever, perhaps he would have received some advices from medical practitioners or even friends to get a good mosquito net or possibly make use of some insecticides regulation, but I guess this whole issue was not so important to him, after all he killed all the possible mosquitoes he could slap and woke up still strong and healthy, forgetting about ones that could have bitten him while he was asleep. Now he has finally been struck with the relative consequence and perhaps getting well should not be a thing of option, it is very important. So in a good way, prevention has always been better than cure, so why don't you prevent dream and relative desires from falling or failing?


It's normal for the human nature when people start giving excuses for something they were unable to do, some even give excuses for a thing they've not even tried or given an effort or attempt to. This whole balls down to how important achieving that thing is to you, but then, I still see people give flimsy excuses for messing up on achieving thier desired dreams. But I wish at a point they can ask themselves "WHAT AMOUNT OF EXCUSES IS WORTH LOSING YOUR DESIRED LEGACY"?

Surely, certainly we all at one point in life come across though challenges and sometimes feel like we should give up on the struggle, but the truth about the world we live in is that no amount of challenge is worth giving up. It is only the dead who give up, not humans alive with breathe and energy. Something can actually be done when one hits the tough Stone,but that will lie in our hands to decide what can be done in that area of interest. The most important is... DO SOMETHING!! and have in mind your not doing it to make anyone live you more, or respect you for not giving up, your not also doing it to prove to those who don't believe in you or those who in a way dissapointed you.. Your not making a move to try to prove them wrong, NO!

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