infp là gì - Nghĩa của từ infp

infp có nghĩa là

One of the sixteen personality types under the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which measures psychological preferences. The letters in INFP stand for: Introverted, iNuitive, Feeling, Perceiving. The INFP's cognitive functions are used in this order: Introverted feeling (Fi), Extroverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), and Extroverted Thinking (Te). INFPs are a part of the Idealist Temperament (NF) and are often referred to as "The Healers","The Idealists", or "The Dreamers". Being highly imaginative, creative and empathetic, INFPs often have a great propensity for language, writing, psychology, art, music, and altruism. Although known for being quiet and gentle, if an INFP's values are violated, they can become harshly defensive of their principles. The INFP's values are at the core of their idealism and motivation in life.


"Robert tested as an INFP on the MBTI test. No surprise, as he is such a talented writer."

infp có nghĩa là

T most conflicted person you will ever meet, honestly. Pretty shy and VERY DEEP. But when they get comfortable with you, they could be percieved as insane or an absolute nut job. Also hate


"That must be an INFP. They are staring at the wall absent-mindedly while humming 'Dancing Queen' for the literal 50th time today"

infp có nghĩa là

Excuse me, what the actual fuck?
INFP's seem to be very casual around people they are familiar with. Or even crazy, you could say.
They absolutely fucking loathe to meet new people, either being socially awkward or an ass. Around people they have grown close and even trust, they can be very outgoing and loud.


"Well shit, stop being such an INFP Erika!!!!" INFP, screeching lyrics ironically in public: "I'M GONNA BE YOUR BUBBLEGUM BITCH!!!"

infp có nghĩa là

sad, gay, emotional disasters.


‘hey did u see that kid crying in the bathroom at lunch bc they dropped some salami
‘yeah they’re an infp’

infp có nghĩa là

a person that cant do math


Oh Wow typical infp cant do math

infp có nghĩa là

I am an INTJ and I love INFPs. They are very good catalysts for almost anything. They are literally all opportunists; and they are often very enthusiastic and dedicated people who just want to have nothing but fun. A negative aspect about the INFP is that they are very predictable in nature and have a poor understanding of psychology or how the world works. They are also the personality type that is the most gullible and are prone to being brainwashed/indoctrinated/taken advantage of quite easily. And as I stated before, they are literally all opportunists; and once you play into their Fi, you can basically hijack their whole individuality and can become the remote control of them without their realization. They are very emotional creatures and take things personally. They tend to apply themselves to everything, although their opinions can be liable to change given the situation. They are the most flexible personality type and the one with the least conviction.


If you want someone who is supportive and creative and also has an open-mindset for almost anything; then INFPs are for you.

infp có nghĩa là

whiny ass bitch whos too sensitive and will probably cry if you tell them that theyd probably be like “IM NOT SENSITIVE” while crying bcus you called them sensitive they probably kin mikan from danganronpa, like scenecore and sanrio specifically kuromi and my melody they also probably run a traumacore account


Someone idk: My personality type is infp uwu Me: ew wtf

infp có nghĩa là

The one definition that said INFPs are "predictable" and has "poor understanding of psychology" could not be more wrong. Clearly whoever wrote that definition has not even the slightest clue of how to interpret the MBTI. In reality, INFPs have an excellent understanding of human psychology. Usually all the NFs do (including INTJ, INFJ, INTP). INFPs are very proficient at seeing the true motives and intentions within people, they just keep it to themselves due to their Fi. And INFPs? Predictable? Nonsense! Due to their perceiving type (as opposed to judging), INFPs can be some of the most spontaneous people you could ever meet. This means that INFPs absolutely HATE predictable routines and function most optimally when doing something different for a change. Those with judging types are the predictable boring ones. INFPs by nature are NOT opportunists. Unlike an INTJ, they do NOT actively go around and seek for opportunities. They care more about authenticity rather than getting the best out of a situation. They only accept opportunities when it comes to them naturally. In other words, INFPs are the least likely ones to buy something just because it's on sale, or post something on social media just for the likes. They're the ones who tend to buy expensive organic produce as it aligns with their values. Lastly, it is important to note that INFPs are very good at handling their own emotions. This is why INFPs are often the givers of emotional support rather than receivers.


There was once an INFP named Jenny who befriended a boy who had low self-esteem. She was very kind, she understood exactly how the boy felt and made him feel valid. Meanwhile his INTJ father just gave him a bunch of practical advice on how to make more friends in school, something the boy already knew and didn't help him at all.

infp có nghĩa là

Beautiful people who are motivated to heal others. INFP's are often used as the scapegoat for shame in their community because of their forgiving and vulnerable nature. Their sensitivity and imagination make them incredibly strong in the face of adversity.


I am so grateful for my INFP friend because she makes me feel loved and heard

infp có nghĩa là

Infp means I'm not finna play. It can be used in a joking sense, because it usually is, or in a serious matter.


Teyana: Girl I'm finna turn into a roach so I can see what this boy doing. You: Infp with you 😭