Lỗi this system does not meet one or more ò năm 2024

The paper you have submitted seems to have an unusual number of excessively long or short words. Please try changing your font and submitting again.


The paper you are trying to submit is incorrectly formatted. There seems to be spaces between each letter in your paper.

This error is common if you are submitting a PowerPoint Presentation with lots of styling. To resolve this, export your sideshow to a PDF. You can export in a way that your notes are visible, if that is part of the work you want your instructor to see.

Convert PowerPoint presentation to PDF if Turnitin does not accept the submission →

Images and Handwritten Work

Another possible error is:

We weren’t able to process your submission. Please try re-submitting your file. If you need further assistance, please contact TurnitinUK support.


You must submit more than 20 words of text.

In this case it’s likely that your paper is either scanned or has insufficient selectable text. To resolve this, please add 20 words of text to your paper.

You can see more about this error here:

Submitting scanned / handwritten work to Turnitin →

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Use this Blackboard Help Request Form to ensure that your query is addressed by the appropriate person as promptly as possible.

Lỗi this system does not meet one or more ò năm 2024
Remember: If you're having issues submitting, you may wish to send your work to your programme administrator so they have a copy of it before the deadline. Please follow your school/department's instructions on who to contact.

General Errors

If Turnitin shows you an error stating:

Error 9999 – Turnitin Assignment not linked with Grade Centre

If you didn’t receive an error but your work is not uploading, it may be due to a browser issue. Please try a different browser. If you are using Safari, you can see how to resolve possible issues here:

Error : Your host does not meet minimum requirements to run VMware workstation with hyper-v or device/credential guard enabled


Updated On:


VMware Desktop Hypervisor


Symptoms: If VMware Workstation 15.5.5 or newer is run on a Windows host where Hyper-V and/or VBS is enabled, VMs will be launched using Windows Hypervisor Platform technology. VMs will fail to launch if the release version of this technology is not at a particular level, or if the Windows host hardware does not meet certain minimum requirements. These minimum requirements are described in the Cause section below.


VMware Workstation Pro 15.x (Windows) VMware Workstation Player 16.x (Windows) VMware Workstation Pro 16.x (Windows) VMware Workstation Player 15.x (Windows)


This issue is caused because the system does not meet certain minimum requirements.

  • Supported Host Operating Systems
    • Windows 10 20H1 build 19041.264 or newer
  • Supported Workstation Version
    • Workstation 15.5.5 or newer
  • Processor Requirements for Host Systems
    • Intel Sandy Bridge
    • AMD Bulldozer or newer CPU


To resolve the issue do one of the following:

  • Upgrade host hardware and software to meet minimum requirements as described in the Cause section above.
  • Disable Hyper-V in the Windows host, then launch VMware Workstation and power on VMs. Note that Windows host VBS will be disabled automatically if Hyper-V is disabled


If using Windows 10 1909 or earlier, the system requirements are not met and therefore Virtualization Based Security has to be set as "Not Enabled".

For more details on how to disable Hyper-V and process to turn off virtualization-based Security, refer