Lỗi windows 7 backup has not been set up năm 2024

I didn’t think that I should have reinstalled PCPE and tried the command prompt again to complete that last experiment. So I just re-installed PCPE and ran %windir%\System32undll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState again. I expected the same results, that is no RunDLL error message, OS hibernates or suspends, can’t wake computer, after hard shut down Windows boots to error message “Windows Error” screen.


Well, there was no RunDLL error message but it hibernated and resumed just fine. It took almost 3 minutes to fully hibernate and complete power down. (PC power button light goes out, all silent) I hit the PC power button which turns the computer on in a normal fashion, OS boots with a message “…Resuming…”.

Thinking that uninstalling and reinstalling PCPE might have fixed something, I tried letting PCPE initiate hibernation by killing utility power. But unfortunately that still concludes to the “Windows Error” screen as before.

I’m a bit bothered that the command prompt did not cause the same results each time it was run with PCPE installed. I hate intermittent problems. 😉 It kind of makes the data we’ve gathered somewhat questionable without running a statistically significant number of runs and/or designing more experiments. I don’t know if that’s feasible or necessary for only the command prompt has failed to return repeatable results. Having PCPE initiate either hibernate or shut down has had consistent results.

I was hoping that the data we were collecting was valuable to APC and in turn to other APC users. But if it turns out that my computer is intermittent in some way and unique in its idiosyncrasies, well…then I might be the only one to benefit from our efforts if a fix for hibernate is found.

About that link you included – (pun intended : ) ) who would have thought all the things that could cause that error! ? The only thing left out as a possible cause was the day of the week! Hahaha

Hardware failure – well that could explain intermittent problems if I’m having intermittent hardware failures. I’m not having any other problems right now. Hopefully I’ll be replacing this computer this summer so if it’s about to fail completely hopefully it will wait till then.

Virus or Malware – Norton 360 (forced on me by my company) is up to date and running scheduled scans. Of course this is not absolute proof to be virus or malware free, just less likely…or take that for what it’s worth anyway. 🙂

Reinstall the program - Well that seemed to work but not for the reasons of an uninstall removing it as you said. Could PCPE uninstall routine be changing an associated registry entry for powrprof.dll? …particularly a path? I mention this only because the error didn’t say the file was missing, just that it could not be found. I did find the file in C:\Windows\System32 but I didn’t look until after reinstalling PCPE. I’m under the impression that it had never been removed and was there the whole time.

This is the only computer I have right now so unfortunately we don’t have another one to experiment with. That really would have been valuable in narrowing it down some quickly.

I don’t know how many people to date have adopted Win7 64, PCPE 2.2 and a BR1500LCD with firmware 839.H7.D, but if the sample base is statistically significant, and you guys aren’t getting any similar reported problems then I’m inclined to believe there is nothing inherently wrong with the design of the aforementioned. If there is something buggy about the APC products I have, it would be isolated to just these. At this point our experiments haven’t come to any definite conclusion but if I were a betting man I would bet that there is nothing wrong with the APC products I have.

Cove Data Protection Troubleshooting

Cove Data Protection Troubleshooting

Last Modified

Wed Jun 24 10:43 GMT 2020


  • Backup Manager is unable to launch.
  • Backup Service Controller unable to restart and getting error "windows could not start the Backup Service Controller service on local computer".
  • System does not allow Backup Manager to run on the machine due to permission issue.


  • Cove Data Protection (Cove)


  • Elevate the permission access of Backup Service Controller on the local machine.
  • Ensure that 'Backup Service Controller' is run 'Automatic' go to Services.msc > locate 'Backup Service Controller' > right-click > Properties > 'General' tab > Startup type: should be 'Automatic'.
  • Go to 'Log on' tab > Tick 'Local System account' (Note: This user should be Admin access).
  • Alternatively, If the system is belong to AD environment, Tick 'This account' option and specify AD Admin credentials user then hit 'Apply' to save.
  • Restart Backup Service Controller.
  • Ensure that nothing is blocking Backup Manager App such AV, Disabling Anti-Virus on the machine or exclude Backup Manager Components:


  • C:\Program Files\Backup Manager
  • C:\ProgramData\Managed Online Backup
  • C:\ProgramData\MXB
  • Virtual drive location (typically B:)


  • C:\Program Files\Backup Manager\ClientTool.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Backup Manager\ProcessController.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Backup Manager\BackupFP.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Backup Manager\BackupIP.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Backup Manager\BackupUP.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Backup Manager\BRMigrationTool.exe

Lỗi windows 7 backup has not been set up năm 2024

