manhasset là gì - Nghĩa của từ manhasset

manhasset có nghĩa là

Manhasset is a small utopia located on the prestigious North Shore of Long Island. The town is best known for its country-club lifestyle, gorgeous scenery, and famous celebrities. The privileged Manhasset students are mostly Caucasian, old money, and very preppy sporting Patagonia fleeces, Nantucket reds, and pastel polos while vacationing in the Hamptons. Manhasset HS students are born with lacrosse sticks in their hands and have a work-hard, party-harder mentality. Despite the heavy drinking and drug-use, they often gain acceptances to Ivy-caliber schools. Other popular choices include Boston College, Vanderbilt, and Loyola-Maryland. The rampant house parties would make most college campuses jealous with their multiple kegs and numerous Beirut tables. Jam bands like Phish, Grateful Dead, and String Cheese often blast from somebody’s Range Rover, but if they crash it they will always get a BMW back in return. Chances are if you visited Manhasset your time here was a drunken blur, but the preppy belligerence and debauchery is a tradition.


Manhasset is a lifestyle.

manhasset có nghĩa là

the MANclassic


what else can i say?

manhasset có nghĩa là

A wonderful family oriented town. Everyone has money or comes from money and drives only the finest vehicles. Most popular cars include benz's, BMW's, Lexus's. In addition you need an SUV - GMC YUKON to make traveling to one of your two/three houses. Summer house in Hamptons and winter house in Wyndom, and for the really rich one in Florida. Predominatly a preppy town. High schools schools spent time from house to house drinking and college student when returing from there $40,000 institution hed to the infamous manhasset bars.


Manhasset's the place to be.

manhasset có nghĩa là

An amazing congregation of extremely Classic kids that love to get really drunk and high and run around town breaking things and befriending dealers from the Hill. They are also known to be dope at Lax.


A bunch of Manhasset kids were running down the street lastnight and one of them threw a rock through the back window of the car.

manhasset có nghĩa là

A wonderful family oriented town- people normally have anywhere from 3-7 kids. High profile town with many celebrities. Everyone has money or comes from money and drives only the finest vehicles. Most popular cars include benz's, BMW's, Lexus's. In addition you need an SUV - GMC YUKON to make traveling to one of your two/three houses. Summer house in Hamptons and winter house in Wyndom, and for the really rich one in Florida. Predominatly a preppy town. High schools schools spent time from house to house drinking and college student when returing from there $40,000 institution hed to the infamous manhasset bars.


The place to be is manhasset!

manhasset có nghĩa là

There are many layers to Manhasset.
a) A country club parent that knows how to sail and play golf. Shops at the Americana. Buys their kid whatever they want. Dyes their hair at NuBest.
b) a soccer mom who also has a yacht club membership, but doesn't live there. Takes her kids to gymnastics, lacrosse, and other various activites
2) The TEENS
a) the High Schooler goes to MHS, SHA, Mercy, Chaminade, or Kellenberg. The boys play lacrosse and football. The girls are either total jocks, or cheerleaders/ gymnasts. Everyone LAXES. "SET LAX" is a lifestyle.
b) the wannabe who pulls fire alarms and makes bomb threats to the school.
3) the KIDS
a)Munsey Park-er lives in Munsey Park, Great Neck, Strathmore, or near town. They attend Munsey Park and have great teachers.
b) The Shelter Rock-er lives in Strathmore or a private community on Shelter Rock Road, such as Gracewoods. They attend Shelter Rock and have good teachers.

"Flow" a word to describe something cool. Often tagged in facebook pictures.
"Lax" Lacrosse. The town LIVES for lacrosse. It's a religion.
"516" The area code
"Set" The Shortened name for Manhasset
"Set Lax" The definition of Manhasset

Manhasset is famous for its wild parties that are sometimes crazier than frat parties, and the fact that everyone makes it into an Ivy League school. Everyone loves Manhasset and wants to live there. Many people are jealous that living in Rockville Centre or the dreaded Westbury does not even come close to Manhasset.


Everyone loves Manhasset.
People are jealous they don't live in Manhasset.

manhasset có nghĩa là

A town in Long Island in Nassau County, New York.

Most of the preppy and everyone is rich. It is home to the Miracle Mile and Northern Blvd. (Where it's a miracle if a business stays open for more than a month). Everything in this town is so old and historic there is literally nothing newer than 1850 in this town.


Manhasset is very old.

manhasset có nghĩa là

A preppy town that is really quite strange. Everyone has to look the same or they are shunned. Pink pants and small blue shorts seem to be attire for males. Also the occasional "chef" looking pants (thin blue stripes) Everyone there has parents that dont care about them and go out and get drunk in Port Washington becasue their town sucks. They use the Port Movie theaters because the one in their town sucks. When they are in Port, Manhasset children are easily distinguishable from Port kids, although they think they blend in. the pink pants give it away dumbass.


Person A- Manhasset Sucks.

manhasset có nghĩa là

A poor town full of thugs and troublemakers. All of the kids from Manhasset come over to Great Neck to start trouble there as well. Certain businesses are reluctant to open in Manhasset's surrounding towns because they fear that the kids from this town will come and screw things up.


I wanted to do research on a town with no reason to exist, so I went to Manhasset.

manhasset có nghĩa là

a) an adjective meaning someone who is a rich douchebag, who can kill twenty people and get 100 hours of community service cuz their dad is crazy rich

b) a noun, a town where fugly girls and crazy assed high guys run around at midnight screaming "fuck you all i can own your asses in a minute", don't worry, if they break some shit the cops will come around, see that they're white and leave them alone.


A: aw that asshole just shit on that dudes mazda.

B: Shit that dude is really fuckin manhasset
A: I'm looking for some pot and some easy chicks, do you know where i can find them?

B: Look no further! You sir are in manhasset.