What are the components of PowerPoint?

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the PowerPoint 2013 interface, which uses the Ribbon from the previous two versions of PowerPoint. You’ll get a closer look at the Ribbon, as well as the Navigation pane and the Status bar. You’ll also learn how to manage your Microsoft account right from a new item above the Ribbon. This module introduces you to the Backstage view, where all of the functions related to your files live. You’ll learn how to save files. Finally, we’ll look at closing files and closing the application.

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Understanding the Interface

The PowerPoint interface, including the Ribbon, the Slides tab, the presentation window, the Notes pane, the Comments pane, the Quick Access toolbar, and the Status bar.

What are the components of PowerPoint?

  • The Slides tab shows a thumbnail of each slide in the presentation.
  • The presentation window is where you can view and edit the entire slide.
  • The Status Bar shows the current slide number, as well as the total slides, as well as the language setting for proofing. It also has additional tools for making changes to the view or zoom. If the Notes and Comments pane are not showing, just click on those icons on the Status bar to show them.
  • The Notes pane allows you to add speaker notes to the presentation. You can print speaker notes to use when delivering a presentation.
  • The Comments pane allows you to add comments to a presentation, especially helpful when working with a team to develop the presentation.

Each Tab in the Ribbon contains many tools for working with your presentation. To display a different set of commands, click the Tab name. Buttons are organized into groups according to their function.

The Quick Access toolbar appears at the top of the PowerPoint window. It provides you with one-click shortcuts to commonly used functions, like save, undo, and redo.

To zoom in or out, use the following procedure.

  • Click the minus sign in the Status bar to zoom out. Click the plus sign in the Status bar to zoom in. You can also drag the slider to adjust the zoom.

What are the components of PowerPoint?

An Introduction to Backstage View

Review the Backstage View, use the following procedure.

  1. Select the File tab on the Ribbon.

What are the components of PowerPoint?

PowerPoint displays the Backstage View, open to the Info tab by default. A sample is illustrated below.

What are the components of PowerPoint?

Saving Files

To save a presentation that has not been previously saved, use the following procedure.

  1. Select the File tab on the Ribbon.
  2. Select the Save command in the Backstage View.
  3. Select the Place where you want to save the presentation.
  4. If you choose your SkyDrive, you can select the Presentations folder. If you choose your Computer, select your Current Folder or one of your Recent Folders. Or in either place, you can choose Browse to select a new location.

    We have two sides to our brains, one concerned with facts and figures and one with creativity and emotion. A speaker who appeals to both sides communicates the most effectively. Think about the last time you heard a speaker who really held your attention. It was probably someone animated and engaging.

    To deliver a great presentation, you don't need to be overly animated or attempt to tell lots of jokes. Giving a great presentation is about connecting with your audience, speaking to them rather than at them, and holding their attention. It's about interacting with your audience more than you interact with your PowerPoint slides.

    The Second Most Important Component - Your Document

    At the beginning of the presentation, DO tell the audience you will be handing out a document containing all the details of the presentation. This way, they won't need to take notes and can pay attention to the presentation. There are two absolute "don'ts" regarding this document. DON'T hand it out at the beginning or people will tend to ignore you as they read it. DON'T just make copies of your PowerPoint slides.

    The report can be as detailed as you like. Unlike your talk, people can skim through it and focus on the areas important to them. Putting details in here keeps you from losing your audience due to information overload.

    The Least Important (But Still Important) Component - Your PowerPoint

    Perhaps the least important element in your PowerPoint presentation is the actual PowerPoint! It's still significant, but it shouldn't be the core of your presentation. It should reinforce your speech, not replace it. It should contain some information, but nowhere near the level of detail of your report.

    Keep your slides simple so they don't distract from the message. You will be tempted to use all the cool techniques from your Microsoft PowerPoint training; resist the urge. Clip art and slide transitions don't enhance your presentation; they obscure it.

    Graphics are effective tools, probably more effective than words on PowerPoint slides. Not the graphs and charts you learned about in Microsoft PowerPoint training, but pictures that evoke emotion and drive your point home.

    A good presentation has these three elements. If you show PowerPoint slides, read from the slides, and hand out copies of the slides, you haven't incorporated three elements. You've used one element three times. The components should be distinct and complementary, each building on the other two to create a harmonious whole.

    How many components are there in PowerPoint?

    The Three Essential Components of PowerPoint Design. There are three vital components to effective PowerPoint design: Structure, Economy and Emphasis.

    What are the 10 components of Microsoft PowerPoint?

    Answer: The following elements can be added to a Powerpoint slide:.
    Clip Art..
    Media Clips..

    Which are the main components of PowerPoint themes?

    What is a PowerPoint theme? A theme is a predefined set of colors, fonts, and visual effects that you apply to your slides for a unified, professional look.

    What are the main components of the PowerPoint home screen?

    Here's a look at what you'll find in each of the PowerPoint ribbon tabs..
    Home. The Home tab holds the Cut and Paste features, Font and Paragraph options, and what you need to add and organize slides..
    Insert. Click Insert to add something to a slide. ... .
    Design. ... .
    Transitions. ... .
    Animations. ... .
    Slide Show. ... .
    Review. ... .