Extract values from list Python

Python: Extract a list of values from a given list of dictionaries

Last update on April 27 2021 12:46:21 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)

Python dictionary: Exercise-52 with Solution

Write a Python program to extract a list of values from a given list of dictionaries.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

def test(lst, marks): result = [d[marks] for d in lst if marks in d] return result marks = [{'Math': 90, 'Science': 92}, {'Math': 89, 'Science': 94}, {'Math': 92, 'Science': 88}] print("\nOriginal Dictionary:") print(marks) subj = "Science" print("\nExtract a list of values from said list of dictionaries where subject =",subj) print(test(marks, subj)) print("\nOriginal Dictionary:") print(marks) subj = "Math" print("\nExtract a list of values from said list of dictionaries where subject =",subj) print(test(marks, subj))

Sample Output:

Original Dictionary: [{'Math': 90, 'Science': 92}, {'Math': 89, 'Science': 94}, {'Math': 92, 'Science': 88}] Extract a list of values from said list of dictionaries where subject = Science [92, 94, 88] Original Dictionary: [{'Math': 90, 'Science': 92}, {'Math': 89, 'Science': 94}, {'Math': 92, 'Science': 88}] Extract a list of values from said list of dictionaries where subject = Math [90, 89, 92]

Pictorial Presentation:

Extract values from list Python


Extract values from list Python

Visualize Python code execution:

The following tool visualize what the computer is doing step-by-step as it executes the said program:

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Previous: A Python Dictionary contains List as value. Write a Python program to update the list values in the said dictionary.
Next: Write a Python program to find the length of a given dictionary values.

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Python: Tips of the Day

Annotated Assignment Statement:

This might not seem as impressive as some other tricks but it's a new syntax that was introduced to Python in recent years and just good to be aware of.

Annotated assignments allow the coder to leave type hints in the code. These don't have any enforcing power at least not yet. It's still nice to be able to imply some type hints and definitely offers more options than only being able to comment regarding expected types of variables.

day: str = 'Monday' print(day) lst: list = [1,2,3,4] print(lst)


Monday [1, 2, 3, 4]

Or the same thing in a shorter way:

day= 'Monday' #str print(day) lst= [1,2,3,4] # list print(lst)


Monday [1, 2, 3, 4]

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