fayes là gì - Nghĩa của từ fayes

fayes có nghĩa là

faye's are usually one of a kind. everything you could ever desire in a girl. they're smart, funny, hard working, loyal, athletic, competitive, artsy and naturally talented at everything. like they could pick up a sport they've never played before and score all the points first time trying. faye's are the best friend you'll ever have. they go above and beyond to make sure any of her friends are happy. they're usually the most loyal too. although they give out more love than anyone could imagine, they still get their hearts broken.. then continue to give out love and kindness to all. faye's are usually tall and skinny with long hair of any color. they're also very hard headed and persistent. they love life and appreciate the small things. i think that's what makes faye's so special


oh my fuck i wish i was faye

fayes có nghĩa là

(From a POV of a person whos named faye) Faye is a girl who often looks down upon herself. Insecure. One of a kind. She can be angry and rude to people who annoy her. She loves her family but then has mood swings. She worries a little too much. Most likely has anxiety. But still, she is a pretty girl. Has a beautiful smile. Perfect hair. Amazing.


"I wish I looked like Faye"
"I hate that she thinks she ugly! She has perfect smile and everything fits her!"

fayes có nghĩa là

She is the most PRETTIEST GIRL in the whole wide world. She has the Cutest and Prettiest smile you've ever see in life.. Very attractive, sexy body, great kisser. Is a supermodel and love's to hang-out with her friends.


Faye is such a hottie!

fayes có nghĩa là

The most intelligent, pretty, brown/blonde haired girl you'll ever meet! She can be a total bitch but when she's your friend, she can have a good time with you, don't trouble her... she's a bad-ass!


Boys: oh my god, it's Faye!

fayes có nghĩa là

faye is a beautiful, smart, talented, amazing, flawless freaking girl. before you meet her she may seem shy, but once you meet her you should never let her go because if you did that would be the most worst mistake you probably have EVER done in your life because she is the best to have when you’re sad, happy, angry, every single freaking mood she is the best to have in those moments. if you do let her go then you would regret it so much to the point where you couldn’t cope with yourself anymore. faye is also a really unique girl and she always puts herself down calling herself fat, ugly, etc. but it is not true and omg idek know why she would say that. every one would want a faye as a best friend, friend, sister, girlfriend, etc.


person: damn, did you see faye today, she’s stunning and i wish i could have her person: idk why she puts herself down, she is absolutely gorgeous

fayes có nghĩa là

Faye is beautiful, stunning and intelligent. She doesn't see herself as any of the above! She is quite intelligent and is always herself all the girls are her friends. Most boys love her. She is mostly curvy. She is naughty and mischievous but can trick people into thinking otherwise eg teachers! Faye is fun and smiley but never ever get on the wrong side if her or think she won't turn into a bitch on u, and never be mean to her friends! Worst if all never call her untrustworthy because she is the most trustworthy!


Dam I want that faye, I need her

fayes có nghĩa là

Faye meaning water fairy (mermaid) originates from the Water Goddess Melusina. Faye's are drawn to water ( pool, pond, lake, river or beach) as it has a healing power for their health. Faye's are beautiful goddesses that should be treated like Queens, you can know she is trustworthy and faithful to the ones she loves. When they fall in love it is with their whole heart and sole but beware if you break her heart or lose her trust; she does enjoy an excuse to use her ancient magic from within. Love her truly and never let her go.


Did you see that beautiful Faye by the seaside?
I'm so happy to have caught a Faye.
I've given my heart to a Faye.

fayes có nghĩa là

Is a desent person with an interesting personality. They will be your closest G and will always be there to talk to even if they have no ability to take their clothes of by them selves. They are mega pengilicious. They can be slightly extremely annoying but their swag will always make you look past it.


Person 1:Hey look over there at that pengilicious person
Person2:That must be a faye then.

fayes có nghĩa là

Fayes are usually quite intelligent and hard working. Fayes typically have brown hair and have some French ancestry. Faye means 'fairy' and they definitely are elegant like one. They are always the shoulder for their friends to lean on but sometimes they forget about themselves. Fayes really think about everything, sometimes too much. Fayes can get worked up very easily and they never forget anything. Everyone likes Fayes, even if they won't admit it.


Fayes are special in their own way

fayes có nghĩa là

She's hella fine but is hella crazy too. If you're with her, you gotta let everyone know that she's yours so that they don't get any ideas. She's got a hard past, but doesn't let it define her. She's cute and beautiful, but you better stay loyal to her or else she'll fucking kick your ass. She's also got a cute button nose and an adorable accent. Faye is also very lucky to have you, because you keep her in check and match her level of weirdness and freakiness.


You know Faye, man?
Yeah, she's the girl with the crazy, longass legs, right?
Yeah man, she's my girl now
Shit, man, I hear she's great in bed