Feel like a million dollars là gì

feel like a million dollars Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

feel like a million dollars

feel wonderful I feel like a million dollars today so I think that I will go for a walk.

feel like a million dollars/bucks

feel wonderful Although I have been sick for a few weeks I feel like a million dollars today.

feel like a million dollars

To feel exceptionally attractive or in very robust health. Wow, I feel like a million dollars in this new suit! I guess fluids and rest were all I needed to beat that cold. I'm already feeling like a million dollars compared to yesterday!Learn more: dollar, feel, like, million

feel a million dollars


feel like a million dollars

1. If you feel a million dollars or feel like a million dollars, you feel very attractive and well-dressed. Note: `Doughnuts' is sometimes spelled `donuts' in this expression. Slip into this dress and you're bound to feel a million dollars.
2. If you feel a million dollars or feel like a million dollars, you feel healthy and happy. Note: `Doughnuts' is sometimes spelled `donuts' in this expression. After all my injury problems I now feel a million dollars. It was the most relaxed I've felt in ages. I felt like a million dollars.Learn more: dollar, feel, million

look/feel like a million ˈdollars/ˈbucks

(informal) look/feel extremely good: With her new haircut and new clothes, she felt like a million dollars, and looked like too.Learn more: buck, dollar, feel, like, look, million
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feel like a million (dollars) Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

feel like a million (dollars)

be in the best of health and spirits精神旺盛
He had a headache yesterday but feels like a million dollars today.他昨天还头痛,但今天却感到精神很好。

feel like a million (dollars)

be in the best of health and spirits精神旺盛
He had a headache yesterday but feels like a million dollars today.他昨天还头痛,但今天却感到精神很好。

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "feel like a million dollars|feel like a million dollar", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ feel like a million dollars|feel like a million dollar, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ feel like a million dollars|feel like a million dollar trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. I feel like a million dollar.

2. I feel like a million dollars.

3. Terrific! I feel like a million dollars.

4. 1 I feel like a million dollars.

5. 8 I feel like a million dollars.

6. 4 Terrific! I feel like a million dollars.

7. The money made him feel like a million dollars.

8. 5 The money made him feel like a million dollars.

9. It's beautiful morning, and I feel like a million dollars.

10. I feel like a million bucks.

11. He told me the money made him feel like a million dollars.

12. 7 It's beautiful morning,[www.Sentencedict.com] and I feel like a million dollars.

13. Since I started jogging every day I feel like a million dollars.

14. Together they add up and help you to feel like a million dollars.

15. 6 Since I started jogging every day I feel like a million dollars.

16. 8 He told me the money made him feel like a million dollars.

17. I'm on holiday, it's a beautiful morning, and I feel like a million dollars.

18. I feel like a million this morning.

19. 9 Together they add up and help you to feel like a million dollars.

20. 15 I'm on holiday, it's a beautiful morning, and I feel like a million dollars.

21. Well, I quit smoking and I worked out. I feel like a million dollars now.

22. 12 Well, I quit smoking and I worked out. I feel like a million dollars now.

23. Well, I quit smoking and I worked out. I I feel like a million dollars now.

24. 14 Well, I quit smoking and I worked out. I I feel like a million dollars now.

25. Jimmy looks like a million dollars.

Như một bà hoàng. Photo by on

“Feel like a million dollars” = cảm giác triệu đô -> nghĩa là cảm thấy rất hấp dẫn, sức khỏe cường tráng.

Ví dụ 

He wanted everyone to feel like a million dollars when he walks in. It’s his personality. 

“The first thing he said was, ‘My dear, where did you get that hat?’. It made me feel like a million dollars.”

Wearing the kind of dress that makes you feel like a million dollars and will have your girls snapping photos of you all night long.

“If I’ve been on a long trip in a different country, not eating the food my body is used to, I’ll go and have that and all my bloating will go and I’ll just feel like a million dollars.”

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