italians là gì - Nghĩa của từ italians

italians có nghĩa là

An incredibly cultured people who work hard and are not considered white by white people and yet not considered minorities to the WASP-ass government.
Sometimes get a bad rep because of movies and shows where they are depicted as gangsters. Italian women are strong-willed, hard-working, and completey hot just like Irish and Black women. Usually have beautiful olive skin and dark hair. Italian men love their families and work hard and many are incredibly intelligent, despite what it shows in the movies. Leonardo DiVinci, an Italian man, was one of the smartest men in the world. Italians are also great artists. An Italian discovered America, an Italian named America, the Italians slave to make a better life while WASPs like Peter kick us in the face. And don't sit there rolling your eyes, whities, because I know you wouldn't give a damn if another minority wrote this, but simply because you think I'm Italian you blow this off. You're hypocrites.


Italian power, brother! Power to all minorities!

italians có nghĩa là

Italian girls typically have olive skin that looks quite tan, curly brown or black hair, dark eyes, and a great ass. They cook beeter than anyone and are not only incredibly sexy, but extreemly intelligent.

Italian guys also have tan skin, dark hair, and dark eyes. most italian guys have great chest hair. they are gorgeous and they know it. No matter what anyone says is syintifically proven, everyone who is italian know that italian guys have big dicks. They are also extreemly intelligent and respect women more than many cultures. they like to marry italian girls because they need someone took cook like mamma did.

And just to clarify, not all italians are involved with the maufia. And no guys in italy EVER wear gold. EVER.


Guy 1: "Man, look at those girls. They must be italians cause I'm getting hard just looking at them. Oh shit, do you think they heard me?"

Guy 2: "Dude, do you think anyone with such a great ass has room for any brain at all?"

Italian Girl (In perfect inglish): Well, we would if our boobs weren't so big"

*walks over to her sexy italian boyfriend*

Italian Boyfriend (To guy 1 and 2): Va fa un culo! (Go fuck an ass!)

italians có nghĩa là

What romans evolved into


fiat, pasta, olive oil

italians có nghĩa là

The ones who discovered your America. And built your railwais. And told you how to fight organized crime (successfully).
We like cooking, is a way to say how much you love and respect who will get the meal. We don't wear gold. We CARE family, women, and children.
We have mafia, but not like yours. Italian Mafia is born like an instituction in rural zones out of the "arm of the law". If two men got a problem, they asked for the judgement of a "man of honour" who had interests different from theirs so he was super-partes.
Now is a criminal association, we fight it and often it costs life to men and their family. So please stop thinking italians are into mafia. Or if you like start thinking that our mafia, the one we ALL are into, is a proud example of fraternity. We all do our best to make a favour to everyone asking for.


"Una mano lava l'altra, ed entrambe lavano la faccia"

A Hand washes the other, and together wash the face. You help me, I help you, and together we will get better!

Italians' way of saying

italians có nghĩa là

italian living in italy is somebody who actually says "we are the best in the world" (sounding in italian like "ui ar de best in de uold") and he means it. constantly is bragging about himself and italy while he never traveled away of his hometown.


Italians (thinking about football) say:"we are the best in the world!"
Rest of the World (thinking about culture, economy, aviation, military organization, transports, modern architecture, technology, engineering, basketball, baseball, tennis, olympics, and so on..) says: "Are you sure?"

italians có nghĩa là

Italians are those who live in Italy. Italian-Americans for the most part are nothing like Italians in Italy. Italians in America are referenced as "Guidos" and "Guinnies". Most Italian-American men wear too much gold and and spend too much time on slicking their hair. Italian boys spend too much time spiking their hair, putting on cologne, and tanning. They also spend too much time on trying to sound tough and "Mafia" like. Italian girls are either tan or go tanning. They are very beautiful girls but can have serious attitudes. Great cooks. For the most part, Italian Americans are dispicable. I love real Italians from Italy. If you are 100 percent Italian and live in America and a male, your chances of being a douchebag are high.


Gel is usually Olive Oil.
Eat too much.
Swear too much.
Try and make fun of other ethnicities to try and make themselves feel better.
Think they have larger dicks when it is scientificly proven it does not matter your ethnicity is, you have a dick the siz it is because that's the way it is.

italians có nghĩa là

Good cooks, great in bed, hot, mine is blonde with blue eyes, hairy chest, naturally muscular, hot tempered.


Italians, people from Italy

italians có nghĩa là

Someone who writes definitions about themselves on Urban dictionary.
Italians write how good italians are,Italians read how good they are...on definitions written by other italians...the rest of simply doesn't give a shit.
Truth is there are other nations who actually can do more then make a pizza,Germany build great cars and are known for their industrial machinery,development in technology,they are the largest european financial donater to 3th world countries (Italy is the smallest,NO JOKE) and everything else which makes Europe better hence they are also way richer then the average italian.
But in italian eyes a german is a barbaric creature regardless of what.
Italy is so good! It's probably the reason why lots of italians left the country during the 60's,if Italy is so good,why leave??? They are contradictional people indeed...
Italians also have this love for eachother,No italian will ever go against another italian,exept when rival football matches occur,they slit eachothers throat on matchday,yezzz thats real brotherlove...


Giancarlo; Italians are the best!!
Me; In everything?..
Gianarlo; Si offcorse!
Me; Oh then you wouldn't mind trading your BWM for my Alfa Romeo!
Giancaro; .....i no understand!
Me; yea....i figured you wouldn't

italians có nghĩa là

italians are loud. they make the best food. most italians come from a large family, of 7 or 8 kids. they all talk with their hands and talk half in english and half in italian. the men usually have long fingernails. italian women always think they are right, when most of the time they arent. the women cook, the men watch tv. they are terrible drivers- they drive too fast. they swear too much, most of the time in italian. you can never understand anything they say sometimes, because it usually makes no sense. they are all about family, and if you have a problem with one of them, you have a problem with them all. most italians have hand gestures for everything. they make good meatballs, sauce and pizza. they make you eat even when you are completley full. usually they all have big gardens and chickens. they are quite religious. italians come all in one package, with families usualy the size of 30 people or more. when theyre all together, they are louder then anything you can imagine, all shouting over eachother. at family gatherings, they all dance around like idiots to accordions and italian music and laugh at eachother. when everyones together they all have a good time and laugh until they cry. italian laughter is contagious- once one person laughs, they all do. they drink a lot, and they love to drink wine, which is usually home-made. they always have a good time, no matter what. they believe family is the most important part of life, besides food. being italian means your the best.


italians are the best.

italians có nghĩa là

Italians have the 7th highest GDP in the world and the 4th highest in Europe, almost exactly the same as the UK. The average Italian has an IQ of 102, the highest in Europe, tied with Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, making it higher than the UK, France, Sweden, China, THE USA, etc. Most Italian-Americans come from Sicily. Most Italians DO NOT consider Sicilians Italian. Sicilians are Italians heavily mixed with Arabs. Sicily was also once a prison island similar to Alcatraz and when Italy stopped financing them the prisoners were released and built communities there. When you ask people from Northern/Central Italy if Sicilians are Italian they will definitely say no. However Sicilians mistakenly call themselves Italians so that they can sound higher up the social scale, which is bad for real Italians as all modern day stereotypes stem from Sicilians. Historically, almost every mobster has come from Sicily as organized crime was common there. Al Capone, the Gotti's, the Jersey Shore etc. are all Sicilian. Northern/Central Italians are the same skin color as Germans but have darker hair and are usually hairier, like the French. Milan (Northern Italy) is one of the most powerful and wealthiest cities in the world and is the fashion capital of the world along with NYC. If you ever go to Northern Italy you will also notice that many of them are very nice/accepting and soft spoken.


American: You have family in the mafia? Sicilian: Oh yea, you know us Italians. Italian: Where in Italy are you from? Sicilian: Sicily. Italian: EXACTLY.