pittsburgh là gì - Nghĩa của từ pittsburgh

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

An unpretentious city that can be both stifling and inspiring, lively and deadly, hip and stuck in the past - a big village with it's own sort of Yinzer charm!


Wow, he's so cool... he must be from Pittsburgh!

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

A vast, lively city that is never the same twice. It looks like your typical mild-mannered, politically correct city, but the area's residents know that it is far more. Truly uplifting people, amazing turnouts for sporting events, lots of beer, Pennsylvania's largest concentration of Gothic Lolitas, a wonderful indie music scene, and some great colleges.

Also, there is so much water. Three rivers meet at an area Pittsburghers have come to call The Point, and there's a cool fountain and picnic area there. Pittsburgh is also notorious for flooding.

Finally, Pittsburgh's weather is off-the-wall. It's May as I'm writing this, and we had snow two weeks ago, warm-ish rain last week, and this week we're expecting it to be cold. Still.


Going on vacation? Come to Pittsburgh. You may have to stay in Monroeville because there aren't any hotels in the city, but look on the bright side--it's only a twenty-minute ride from any of our suburbs to the city itself...!

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

greatest city on the planet full of old fat guys who like to drink pabst blue ribbon and watch the stillers. if you dont like pittsburgh, you fucking suck.


pittsburgh is where people go to get drunk and pass out in the cold, hence i would give my right nut to never leave.

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

A city in western pennsylvania that loves its sports especially the steelers. Surprisingly beautiful with warm frendly people.


station square on a satuurday night before a steelers game

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

One of America's great cities; a place with authentic neighborhoods, characterful people, interesting architecture, stunning vistas, a keen sense of history, and a uniqe ability to reinvent itself in a changing economy while maintaing the best of its past. Certainly one of the most beautiful cities in the country, it is without a peer in cities of similar size or, in many cases, much larger cities. A truly special place where people feel comfortable to relax, be who they really are, have good conversation, meet strange people, and generally enjoy a balanced way of life.


Pittsburgh is one of America's great cities.

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

A pretty place with coal and steel and rivers.


Pittsburgh was the coolest place to go when we were young and bored and single.

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

A drinking town with a football problem.


"So what if we won ugly?" - Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill Cowher

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

also see: Piks-burgh


If real people from Pittsburgh would have put Pittsburgh as a word they really should have put the pronounciation as "Piks-Burgh"

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

Pittsburgh is a mid-sized American city, with a population just under 400,000. The city is still struggling with a transitioning economy, from the days of the steel industry, to a post industrial economy.

Many people have a lot of complaints about Pittsburgh. True, it does not have the vibrant art, theatre, or music scenes as New York, Los Angeles, or San Fransisco, but it is also a much smaller city.

The city has a lot of history and culture, you just have to look for it. The downtown area is full of theatres, restaurants, and art galleries.

Neighborhoods such as the South Side, Lawrenceville, Oakland, Squirrel Hill, and Shadyside can be filled with things to do. Oakland, the home of the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University, is full of great independent coffeeshops, record stores, and ethnic dining. It is also the neighborhood of the Carnegie Museums, definitely worth checking out.

The job market is not great, especially for less common professions, but there are things available if you know where to look.

Some Pittsburghers are not highly educated, or cultured. But that's just a few. And despite that, they are all friendly, (usually) happy people.

If you want a huge, totally urban, modernized city ... Pittsburgh is probably not for you. But everyone should give it a chance. There are a lot of great things here, you just have to look a little harder to find them. Ultimately, anything in life is only as good or as bad as you want it to be.


New Pittsburgher: There's nothing to do here, how can you stand it?
Old Pittsburgher: Well, it's hard to find things to do at first, but there's actually a lot ... why don't you check out some of the museums in Oakland?

New Pittsburgher: Isn't there any nightlife here?
Old Pittsburgher: Sure, head down to the Southside and check it out. Carson Street is packed with bars and clubs.

pittsburgh có nghĩa là

ba drinking town with a football problem that makes up words that make no sense to anyone unless you are from the city of champions. also has the best sports teams (aside from baseball of course) in the world our language is called pittsburghese if your from around here and it is probably derived from people who speak to fast and combine words and also like to be unique. if you don't love the steelers and drink iron city (ahrn if your from here) then you arnt from here. some pittsburghese... yenz-most popular yall to the south and yous to the east anywhere else it is you guys bubushka- a head scarf used for a bad hair day chit chat- idle conversation i.e smalltalk dahn tahn- downtown gumban- rubberband hans- anatomy used to hold an ahrn jaggers-thorns jaggoff-an asshole jeet jet? no d'jew- did you eat yet? no did you? jumbo-bologna jynt igle-giant eagle a popular super market keller- color n'at- and that nebby-nosey,pickey pensivania-a state with one great city picksburgh-also see awsome pop- soda beverage redd up- to clean or tidy up sammitch- sandwhich stillers- the best football team yet
e'sliberty- east liberty slippy- slippery spicket- fawcet still mill-steel mill tele pole- telephone pole toirlet-the place where we flush our ahrn da burgh-see picksburgh the mon- monogahela river the point- meeting point of three rivers worsh-to wash


Hey Pittsburgh has a Stanley cup and Lombardi trophy they must be partying hard. It's Pittsburgh they always party hard