Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024

♥ Refreshes eyes (may be a con because some users think it burns, but the "burn" is followed by a cool minty feeling)


★ Small (may be a pro because it's easy to carry)

★ A tiny bit pricey

Active Ingredients: Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate 0.5% Potassium Chloride 0.08% Sodium Chloride 0.44% Sodium Bicarbonate 0.05% Hydroxyethylcellulose 0.02%

The packaging is a 3.5 x 3.5 x 1 cm square which contains 8 mL of fluid.

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024
Close-up of the nozzle (sorry it's bad quality, my camera wouldn't focus...)

I personally love this packaging! It's a really pretty pink color with loads of sparkles and glitter.

Even the box is pretty. It has some sort of reflective aluminum thing that makes it shiny when it's under certain light LOL ; u ;

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024
The back of the box

I can't read Japanese (other than Hiragana, but knowing just Hiragana isn't helpful ;;) so I apologize that I cannot translate any of this...

In the box, there you have your eye drops in a small plastic bag so that it can't be tampered with. You also have a sheet of information in Japanese.

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024
Front side of paper
Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024
Back side of paper

As you can see in the front side of the paper, there is some instruction on how to open and close your eye drops. You twist the cap counter-clockwise to open it, and simply push the cap down to close it. You can also see that the application for these eye drops are quite unique as any angle of application will always result in the eye drop traveling downwards. (Instead of it squirting around in random directions like other brands.)

The back side of the paper includes contact information for ROHTO as well as a list of ingredients (I'm guessing, by the percentages and such.) I don't know what the rest of the information on the front and back side are > n <;;

You use these eye drops like any other eye drops. Shake the bottle well and squeeze 1-2 drops onto your eye, while not using them more than 5-6 times per day.

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024

After squeezing in one drop of the Lycée eye drops, my eyes were white and awake in only two minutes!! You might not see a dramatic difference from the pictures, but there was a really huge difference in real life.

Overall, I give ROHTO's Lycée Eye Drops a: ★★★★☆ 4/5 stars!

To be honest, I was a tiny bit disappointed when I first received my package. For some reason, I always imagined the bottle to be a bit bigger, instead of it being really tiny. I was also disappointed that it smelled like roses, instead of a lychee fruit which I mistakenly imagined it to be LOL orz;; (I mean, it's called "Lycée" and the packaging it pink!!) But after my first use, I instantly fell in love with it! These eye drops are really amazing because they reduce the redness of my eyes a lot. I also really like the cooling sensation it brings which re-moistens while relaxes my tired eyes.

Before purchasing the Lycée eye drops, I seldom used other eye drops. I thought that my tired, dry eyes were considered normal with the use of contact lenses. However, I don't think I'll ever go back to not using eye drops now that I've used the Lycée ones > u <. I recommend them to all contact lens wearers!! (Though it might interest mostly girls because of the packaging L-LOL...)

For non-contact lens users, there is also a version of the Lycée eye drops that are meant for non-contact lens users for the same price. I haven't seen them before, but I believe it is a dark pink color in comparison to the light pink color meant for contact lens users. But if I were someone who doesn't wear contact lenses, and is looking for eye drops, then I'd buy ROHTO's Z!, which is a lot more effective than ROHTO's Lycée.

I know I said in my post two posts ago, that my next post would be the OST C20 Serum (am I confusing you yet? haha~), but I haven't received it yet. Look forward to it soon!

In the age where screens are no more than a few feet away, red, strained eyes is perhaps one of the biggest common health problems that everyone's experiencing today; I experience it a lot too, most especially after doing a straight 3- hour on my seat, accomplishing work tasks.

It's not good practice to sit in front of laptops and gadgets all day long or even hours on end because it's not healthy--let me endorse that; however, work just most of the time doesn't let that happen and red, bloodshot eyes are most of the time, the result. Red eyes are nasty and they make you look haggard and overworked; I've been to a meeting one time and my client got concerned over me because I had bloodshot eyes from using my laptop!

I found a cool solution in Rohto, one of the Japanese products that picked up some buzz a year or two ago on social media. When I get strained, red/bloodshot eyes, I put a drop or two of this on my eyes and in 20-30 minutes, the redness is gone!

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024

Rohto Lycée Eye Drops features 4 key ingredients that instantly refresh tired eyes and relax capillaries, which ultimately help relieve redness:

Tetrahydrozoline- relieves the redness Sodium Chrondoitin Sulphate- protects the Cornea and soothes tired eyes Vitamin B12- relaxes muscles surrounding the eyes UV Damage care- alleviates UV- caused inflammation

The label suggested 1-3 drops per eye per use and it can be used up to 6 times a day. The number of drops you will use depends on how red, strained, or tired your eyes are, but for me, I normally take about 1-2 drops only; this product has a pretty intense cooling effect that lasts for a couple of seconds; it's actually one of the reasons why I don't go beyond 2 drops because it tends to feel more irritating than soothing.

Rohto Lycée has a rose scent; there's another variant and it's for contact lens wearers; packaging is almost the same as the former, but the bottle comes in a light pink color.

Let's try this one!

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024

Eyes before being treated with Rohto Lycée. Notice that there's a huge bloodshot vein and slightly reddish capillaries almost surrounding the eye. This is coming from a straight 3-hour work sesh on my laptop.

Rohto lycee contact eye drops review năm 2024

Here's my eye 20 minutes after I put two drops of Rohto Lycée; it relaxed my eyes, gave it a fresher feeling, the cooling effect took out the strain, and the redness in the capillaries have been significantly lessened.

Rohto Lycée is a cool solution to tired, red, bloodshot eyes; I use it all the time, most especially if I have to labor over pitches and blog posts, and after a binge sesh with Netflix. However, if you have existing eye problems or eye redness/eye strain persists and it is making you feel extremely uncomfortable, please seek a physician and don't treat this product as a cure.

Is Rohto Lycee safe for contacts?

Can be used as lubricating drops for insertion of prescription contacts or color contacts.

Is Rohto eye drops good for your eyes?

Rohto® Cool Relief helps protect eyes from further irritation and helps prevent eye dryness so your eyes can feel fresh all day. No wonder they're a fan fave! Soothe red and dry eyes with these eye cooling drops.

Do Rohtos work with contacts?

Rohto Dry Aid can be used 15-20 minutes before using contact lenses. Remove your contact lenses, apply Rohto Dry Aid directly to your eyes and wait 15-20 minutes before putting your contact lenses back in.

What are the side effects of Rohto eye drops?

Other side effects of Rohto Dry-Aid.

Blurred vision..

eye redness or discomfort or other irritation not present before use of this medicine..

increased sensitivity of eyes to light..

matting or stickiness of eyelashes..

swelling of eyelids..

watering of eyes..