sprouters là gì - Nghĩa của từ sprouters

sprouters có nghĩa là

The word sprouter is a term used very loosely , towards a good looking girl. Often yelled out of cars windows or just to passers by . It is a term derived from the "skaters"
But used properly it is defined as a young girl blossoming into a good looking women.

Ví dụ

"Dude, that chick is sprout"

sprouters có nghĩa là

A hot, young or 'fresh' girl 16-20 years old. "Sprouting" meaning that they are young and blossoming. Can also have connotations of being naive or easily preyed upon (by 18-25 year old skateboarders, who are the primary users of this term).

Ví dụ

"Dude, that chick is sprout"
"SPROUTERRRRR!!!!" A hot, young or 'fresh' girl 16-20 years old. "Sprouting" meaning that they are young and blossoming. Can also have connotations of being naive or easily preyed upon (by 18-25 year old skateboarders, who are the primary users of this term).

sprouters có nghĩa là

location: cool underground club that plays 90s hip hop and electro

Ví dụ

"Dude, that chick is sprout"

sprouters có nghĩa là

A hot, young or 'fresh' girl 16-20 years old. "Sprouting" meaning that they are young and blossoming. Can also have connotations of being naive or easily preyed upon (by 18-25 year old skateboarders, who are the primary users of this term). location: cool underground club that plays 90s hip hop and electro

Ví dụ

"Dude, that chick is sprout"

sprouters có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

A hot, young or 'fresh' girl 16-20 years old. "Sprouting" meaning that they are young and blossoming. Can also have connotations of being naive or easily preyed upon (by 18-25 year old skateboarders, who are the primary users of this term).

sprouters có nghĩa là

location: cool underground club that plays 90s hip hop and electro

Ví dụ

skater: i'm gonna go dance with that sprouter, man

sprouters có nghĩa là

skater 2: yeah she looks about 16, you should go for it!

Ví dụ

Someone who one thinks will be hot when they are older. A: That girl is hot
B: Yeah she's a sprouter Cô gái nóng bỏng.
In Barcelona also known as Meritxell, or MeryJane for aussies. Meryjane is so sprouter... she is dreamy! A group of girls who "sprout" other girls into what they call "popularity". The activities they participate in include: Ruining songs for everyone by making slutty videos, Uniting for closet parties, passing out every weekend, and calling themselves the "Line Bitches". WARNING: Sprouters have been known to get caught by parents. "Did you see the Sprouters last weekend? They just initiated another girl and celebrated with a closet party." girls younger than you are (generally 2 years younger) who are less experienced in the art of sexuality. But are whiling to put out alot those sprouters on the weekend were so hot. all the guys got stuff of them One who speaks confidently on subjects of which they actually have no knowledge. Shit sprouters usually posses an air of authority and have been known to exude excessive self confidence when sprouting shit, hiding the fact that they really know nothing. Shit can also be sprouted deliberately as malicious misinformation, often to coerce people into making decisions that ultimately benefit the sprouter. Similar in nature to a bullshit artist or con-man, but much harder to spot as the shit sprouter may be so over compensating their ignorance that they might not actually be aware of the fact that they are sprouting shit, and in some sick way, believe their own shit. Ignorant sprouting:
shit sprouter: "Our clients will sell more product if you change your design and make the call-out bigger."
Designer: "Oh, according to what research do you base your suggestions?"

sprouters có nghĩa là

shit sprouter: ignores the question "Consumers love big call-outs, they find it easier to understand the benefits of the product if you make everything really big!"

Ví dụ

Sprouters is very epic