Which of the following methods is most helpful for clarifying cause-effect relationships?

The young science of psychology developed from the more established fields of
philosophy and

Correlation is a measure of the extent to which two factors

Which major force in psychology emphasized unconscious thought processes?

A theory is an organized set of principles that __observations and __ events.

Correlational research is most useful for purposes of

In an experimental study, men with erectile dysfunction received either Viagra or a
placebo. In this study, the drug dosage (none versus peak dose) was the

Which of the following methods is most helpful for clarifying cause-effect relationships?

If participants in the experimental group of a drug treatment study are much younger
than participants in the control group, the age of the research participants is a(n)

Discerning the unstated assumptions and values that underlie conclusions best illustrates__ which is an important learning tool.

Suppose that people who watch a lot of violence on TV are also particularly likely behave aggressively. This relationship would NOT necessarily indicate that watching violence influences aggressive behavior because

association does not prove causation

Which perspective most clearly focuses on how we learn observable responses?

Our tendency to believe we know more than we do illustrates

Three key attitudes of scientific inquiry are

curiosity, skepticism, and humility

In an experimental study of the effects of anxiety on self-esteem, anxiety would be the __variable.

Contemporary psychology is best defined as A science of

behavior and mental processes

The enduring traditions, anitudes, ideas, values, and behavior shared by a group of people constitutes their

In a psychological experiment, the factor that may be influenced by the manipulated experimental treatment is called the _ variable.

The nature-nurture issue refers to the debate over the relative contributions that __make to the development of psychology traits.

A testable prediction that is often implied by a theory is called a(n)

A questioning attitude regarding psychologists' assumptions and hidden values best

Recognizing that one of your friends is feeling angry and that another friend is feeling sad llustrates an ability known as:

The reappearance, after a time lapse, of an extinguished CR is called

Five-year-old Trevor is emotionally disturbed and refuses to communicate with anyone. To get him to speak, his teacher initially gives him candy for any utterance, then only for a clearly spoken word, and finally only for a complete sentence. The teacher is using the method of

The acquisition of mental information by observing events, by watching others, or through:

A fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement is one in which a response is reinforced only after a(n)

specified time period has elapsed

Any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response is called a(n)

Any stimulus that when presented after a response, strengthens the response is called a(n):

Resistance to extinction is most strongly encouraged by

We are most likely to imitate the behavior of models if we observe that their actions are

followed by reinforcement

Your heart may race when you are confronted by a lion but not when you are approached by akitten. This best illustrates the adaptive value of:

Watson and Rayner's study of Little Albert demonstrated how specific fears

may be produced through classical conditioning

Children of abusive parents often team to be aggressive by imitating their parents. This illustrates the importance of:

Conditioning is the process of:

A young child who is spanked after running into the street learns not to repeat this behavior. In this case, the spanking is:

In classical conditioning the NS becomes a________ after it reliably signals the impending occurrences of the __________.

In which form of learning is behavior influenced by its consequences?

Mirror neurons are believed by some scientists to provide a biological basis for:

An event that strengthens the behavior it follows is a(n)

A partial reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response that occurs after an unpredictable period of time is a _______ schedule.

Jordan is frightened by the sound of a train whistle. The sound is a(n)

Psychologists define learning as the process of:

acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning is called a(n):

A child's learned fear at the sight of a hypodermic needle is a(n)

Dogs conditioned to salivate to stimulation of the thigh also begin to salivate when stimulated on other body parts. This best illustrates:

Giving a hungry rat food for pressing a bar before the rat has a chance to engage in other incidental behaviors like running or scratching best illustrates:

Which method is most helpful for determining cause/effect relationships?

The only method that will establish a cause-and-effect relationship is an experimental research design. A true experiment must feature a control group as one of the experimental groups, along with random sampling from the population and random assignment of the study subjects to the experimental groups.

Which of the following methods of research is most helpful for clarifying cause

Experimental Research Using an experiment, the research attempts to establish a cause-and-effect relationship in a situation or phenomenon.

Which research method is helpful for clarifying relationships between variables?

Correlational research involves measuring two variables and assessing the relationship between them, with no manipulation of an independent variable.

Which is the only research method for revealing cause

The experimental method is the only research method that can measure cause and effect relationships between variables. Three conditions must be met in order to establish cause and effect. Experimental designs are useful in meeting these conditions: The independent and dependent variables must be related.