an animal là gì - Nghĩa của từ an animal

an animal có nghĩa là

noun: a style of animation that originated and is still heavily centered in Japan.

The word 'anime' is based on the original japanese pronunciation of the american word 'animation.'

The stereotype of the anime style are characters with proportionally large eyes and hair styles and colors that are very colorful and exotic. The plots range from very immature (kiddy stuff), through teenage level, to mature (violence, content, thick plot). The classification of 'hentai' is given to animes of a stong sexual nature.

Although over 95% of anime has nothing perverted about it, most closed-minded idiots think anime is always a form of pronography.


Although most people stop watching 'cartoons' in their early teens, there are 'animes' for all age groups.

an animal có nghĩa là

It sems to me like everyone here seems intent on telling us it is not porn; which I find quite suspiscious. I've never know anyone one to just asume it was porn.


person1 "Are you watching anime"
person2(urban dictionary user) "it's not porn I swear."
person1 "I didn't say anything about that"
person2 "Oh yeah... NOT PORN"

an animal có nghĩa là

Japanese animation drawn in the same style as manga just animated. Often messed up by America.


Did you know Pokémon isn't the only anime?

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A lot of defintions on here for the word 'anime' have been hopelessly ill-informed. I hope to give a more accurate defintion that doesn't make me sound like an idiot. Anime is a form of animation orginating in Japan. Common elements in characters include large, shiny eyes, often spiky or unusually colored hair, long legs, etc. There are always exceptions to these rules, such as in Hayao Miyazaki's movies, which have more realistic proportions and hair. Often in anime, one episode will continue into the next, instead of each episode being a one-shot. There are several different types, like Shounen, for boys, which typically feature a male protagonist and lots of fighting and action, Shoujo, for girls, with female protagonists and the main focus being romance or comedy. There is also Josei, for young women, which I imagine are like soap operas(Never watched any), and Seinen, for teenagers and young men, which are often horror or thriller animes, and are usually considered too scary for children. There is also shounen/shoujo ai, which is gay/lesbian romance without sex, and yaoi/yuri, which is with sex. Many people say that anime is for 12-year-old dorks, but I myself have watched anime that would scar a 12-year-old for life. They also say anime is porn. There is a category of anime called hentai that is pornographic in nature, but the vast majority is not. Some anime is incredibly good, some is atrocious. And the stereotypes aren't necessarily true for all.


Shounen anime: Naruto, Bleach, Inu-Yasha, Death Note, Pokemon, etc. Some of the most famous anime falls under this category. Can be upbeat and funny, like Naruto, or heavy and complex, like Death Note. Shoujo anime: Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Lucky Star, Vampire Knight. I have mixed feelings about this genre. I very much like Fruits Basket while Sailor Moon made me want to smash my computer. I don't know any Josei anime... Seinen Anime: Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Elfen Lied, Hellsing, Ghost in the Shell. My favorite genre, although if you want to watch Higurashi or Elfen Lied be prepared for some serious gore and insanity. Shounen Ai: Kirepapa, Junjou Romantica, Loveless. I know I said shounen ai is gay romance minus sex but JR has some intense guyxguy, just sayin. Shoujo Ai: Strawberry Panic, Kannazuki no Miko, A Channel, Uta Kata. I'm not a yuri fan but shoujo ai's really cute ^^

an animal có nghĩa là

The weeaboo equivalent to the Holy Bible.


Person 1: Have you watched the anime, Cory in the House?
Person 2: *Shoots self*

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The attribution of a discrete indwelling spirit to every material form of reality such as plants, stones, and so on, and to natural phenomena such as storms, earthquakes, and the like.


Animism is a religious belief imputing spirits to natural forces and objects. The rock has a spirit; the tree has a spirit, etc.

an animal có nghĩa là

an-ni-mey Is the reason you are loosing an average of 4 hours of sleep per night; seeing your grades drop steadily; loosing at least 5G storage on your phone/computer; slowly becoming bankrupt (for some 'weird' reason); evolving slowly into a hermit crab that only moves occasionally to feed on pocky (or other Weeaboo captivated objects); and forgetting to go outside on most days (ahem, everyday). It is also the concept that bought us all together in an element; formed a bond; changed your sentiment on life; took you on individual adventures (despite the fact that you never actually moved from your beds); and last of all, opened up a new world for you.


"Man, what happened to your grades?"
"Anime happened." "Do you have any inspiration for us, Mr/Mrs President?"
"Idk, go home and watch some anime."

an animal có nghĩa là

Another form of story telling that uses animation as its medium. Just like how books use text, movies use actors. Anime uses animation to tell the story, and can be very serious or very funny. Either way anime is just another way of telling a story, all stereotypes attached to it are unnecessary.


Have you watched Monster? That is one of the darkest anime I've ever seen... It really goes deep into the humanity of good vs evil.

an animal có nghĩa là

A style of Japanese animation that has become increasingly popular in the pop culture of many Western societies in recent years. It has a number of genres from all ages and has created a large fan base as well as many people that are opposed to it. You can find many stores selling anime merchandise in American stores as well as many American anime conventions.


They decided to check out the local anime con, where they found a crowd of cosplayers.

an animal có nghĩa là

A person who uses a computer or physical objects to create animations, cartoons, movies, games, etc. An animator is usually "that kinda of guy" who stares at people walking; and when asked what the heck he is looking at, he simply states hes "observing real-life movement". Animators are usually the most undermined in the movie/game field, but the most valuable. Not to mention animators are usually single for a very long time and find it hard to find a mate due to their "weirdness".


"Did you see that latest movie?! That monster looked so realistic!" "Yah I did! The animators did a good job!" -OR- "Hello, what do you do for a living?" "I'm an animator." "What is that?"